
Give And The Goodness Will Come Back To You

And I’m back!

As always, life has been running its course and I have been scrambling to follow along. While I seem to have my routine figured out for now, things can never be as simple as they appear.

For those of you who aren’t aware, I have returned to my hometown and am again living in my childhood home with my family. More often than not I can be found complaining about how there is no one here, how there is nothing to do, and simply how awful it is to live here. However, it was not until a recent tragedy that I came to the realization that perhaps things in Gravenhurst aren’t as bad as I initially thought.

Although I will not go into specific details, I will say that a family close to my own recently lost a child in an accident at the tender age of 13 right in the immediate wake of the death of another family member. While these series of events have proved absolutely devastating for those who know Tyler, knew his family, or had any sort of connection with him; it has also proved as an opportunity for the people of this community to demonstrate the goodness of humanity.


Given the circumstances, it is no doubt the family will face a tough road ahead. In efforts to further support the family both emotionally and financially, an online fund has been registered to assist in covering funeral costs and provide the initial funding necessary to house the family as they begin to relocate and rebuild their future.

While I recognize that you, my readers, may not currently be in a position to donate I ask that you please share the following link in hopes of allowing others who are in such a position to be able to do so, in order to provide this incredible family with hope for a better tomorrow.

In just over two weeks we have raised over half of our goal, and any contributions from here on out will only bring us that much closer to $5000. Tragedies such as these do not need to remain as such, and it is important that we as humans exercise our ability to contribute to bettering this world in troubled times.

Until next time…